Those who suffer from constant rash on their feet should not take it lightly, it is a disease…

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a medical condition that starts with such minor symptoms and turns into complications when people wake up at night with tingling sensations in their hands and feet. The carpal tunnel is an anatomical structure located at the base of the inner hand. The tendons and median nerve pass below the carpal tunnel.

The medial nerve supplies sensation to the thumb, index finger, long finger, and half of the ring finger. Compression of the median nerve occurs when the size of the canal decreases or the size of the swelling of the lubrication tissue around the tendons increases. This condition is known as carpal tunnel syndrome. Some of its symptoms include numbness, tingling or burning sensations in the hands. It can cause muscle weakness if left untreated.

This condition can occur when obesity, use of birth control pills, certain diseases mainly hypothyroidism, arthritis and diabetes all put pressure on the median nerve in the wrist. It can also occur due to some lifestyle reasons, mainly when working on the computer continuously, there is a high chance of it occurring.

The daily activities of a person affected by this condition are impaired. Even simple tasks become very difficult to complete. People with diseases like diabetes, arthritis and hypothyroidism should definitely take precautions. Avoid mental stress. If you see these symptoms, make sure to get treatment early. Watch the video to know more about it.

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