These are the causes of stomach ulcers, beware…

Stomach ulcers can lead to various health problems. This video talks about some things that can be changed no matter how old the answer is. Membrane, the mucus covering around the stomach, produces chemicals that aid in digestion. Ulcers are cracks in the mucous membrane of the stomach.

In some cases, there may be differences in the amount of hydrochloric acid produced in it, which can lead to cracks in the mucous membrane. Ulcers are mainly of two types, gastric ulcers and small intestinal ulcers. Ulcers can have many causes. Small intestine ulcers are more common in people with O blood group.

It can also be hereditary in some individuals. Some people have higher levels of pylori bacteria and are more likely to develop ulcers. Apart from this, mental stress, tension etc. can cause stomach ulcers. People who take painkillers regularly have higher levels of pylori bacteria and may develop anthrax more quickly.

People who eat a lot of spicy and sour foods can also develop this condition. Soft drinks, sugary bakery products, etc. all lead to ulcers. Symptoms depend on how long a person has been infected with the disease. Watch the full video to know more about this disease.

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