Some things that pregnant women should avoid, don’t worry if you keep them

For a woman, motherhood is a blessing. It is a matter of happiness not only for the woman but for the entire family. In this video, there are some things that should be taken care of during the period from conception to delivery. After confirming the pregnancy, the dating scan should be done first so that the dates will be confirmed.

Anomaly scan at 5th month can tell if the baby has any deformities. Then finally do a scan. In some cases, scans may be needed in the intervening months if there are any problems. A pregnant woman cannot lead a normal lifestyle. Some lifestyle changes are necessary.

A pregnant woman should get at least 8 hours of proper sleep. If the pregnancy is without any complications, they are asked to exercise enough and walk. But if there are any kind of complications such women need to take enough rest.

A pregnant woman should not eat the way a normal woman should eat. Usually we have three meals. But pregnant women should eat small meals from time to time. Cleanliness has to be maintained well. Be careful to wear only loose dresses. Watch the video to know more about it.

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