Never ignore these symptoms seen in young people, right next to a heart attack…

Heart disease used to be a health problem seen only in the elderly. But today, this disease is most common among young people. A major reason for this can be said to be the change in lifestyle. Unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and sedentary work lead to heart disease.

Statistics show that the rate of heart disease in India is double that of Western countries. Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful in daily life. Heart attack is one of the worst heart diseases and when it occurs, the person experiences the most severe pain in the human body. Most health problems come with a clear warning.

But one of its main symptoms is pain in the chest. But some heart attacks may not even feel chest pain. Therefore, special precautions are needed to identify them. If someone is over 60 years of age, diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure should be checked frequently. If you have any of these conditions, you should be very careful.

Shruti Aakatam may be a sudden guest in our life one day. Therefore, the body will start showing the most common first symptoms to fight against it. If we can understand such symptoms in the beginning, we can save from death to some extent. Watch the full video to know the causes and symptoms of heart attack.

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