Is this your star? Raja Yoga has started for these seven days…

A lot of good luck is going to come in the life of some Nakshatras. They can get all the things they want, so lucky are these stars. They can achieve a lot of benefits professionally, financially and family-wise. Life becomes difficult when faced with financial difficulties but there will be a change out of … Read more

Know whether you will get varicose veins in future or not…. ​

Varicose veins are the thickening of the veins in the legs. Today most of the people are facing this problem. It is more common in women than men. It is a condition in which the veins in the legs become dislocated and swollen with impure blood. This condition occurs due to obstruction of blood flow … Read more

Include it in your diet to double your heart health…

Today there is a situation where the number of heartbreakers is continuously increasing. Problems such as heart disease and heart attack are more common even in young people. The main reason for this is wrong lifestyle. Unhealthy eating habits, smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, diet and many other problems are responsible for increasing heart … Read more

Back pain sufferers beware, this deadly disease can catch you too…

Cancer is a deadly disease that kills many people. The number of people facing death like this is not small at all. It is a disease that occurs when a group of normal cells in our body leads to uncontrolled and abnormal growth. There are different types of cancers and most cancers can be prevented … Read more

Make these foods a habit for kids to boost intelligence and memory…

In order to have a good intellectual development in children, it is necessary to provide good food to children from a young age. Parents often forget to provide good nutritious foods to their children. Especially in today’s era, children are reluctant to eat vegetables and fruits. There are big changes in their healthy eating habits. … Read more

Inflammation in the body leads to this disease, beware…

Freedom is something we all want. Freedom of movement is what we enjoy most in our daily lives. Think about the situation where you have to sit in one part of the house without being able to move. The state in which we cannot move and move the body as we thought is misery. Rheumatoid … Read more

These mistakes you make in the kitchen can even cause cancer.

The kitchen of a house determines the health of the people in that house. Many mistakes made in the kitchen lead to health problems. Therefore, the women of that house can mold a healthy family. There are various types of spices, utensils, oils and vegetables that we use in the kitchen. If you can pay … Read more
