If you buy these items for your home on the day of Makaravilak, prosperity and wealth will accumulate…

Tomorrow is the first day of Makaramasa, Makaravilak, Makarasankranti and Makara Pongal have many special features on this day. Tomorrow is a day full of divine spirit. Bringing these items to your home tomorrow will bring all kinds of prosperity. In this video it is said that which objects bring wealth to the house.

It is very good to buy red silk and offer it to the goddess temple on the next day. If you are not able to offer it in the temple, it is enough to offer it in front of the image of the goddess at your home. Makaramasam is also a month where the blessings of the Goddess are most abundant.

If you want to get that blessing, you must pray to the goddess tomorrow. It is best to buy an image of Ayyappaswamy and keep it at home the next day. Buy an image of Ayyappaswamy from any pooja store and take it to your home. Similarly offering a garland of yellow flowers to Ayyappaswamy is also highly recommended.

What you need to buy for the kitchen is dried turmeric, it is auspicious to bring dried turmeric and after lighting a lamp in the evening, offer a small parajil in front of the deities. It is also very auspicious to buy ghee the next day. It is also very good to bring conch shells. Then watch the video to know.

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