If you take care of these things, you will never get cancer in your life.

Cancer is the major cause of death worldwide. The main reason why many people consider this a fatal disease is that it is not possible to diagnose and treat the disease by understanding the symptoms of this disease in the beginning. All living things are made of cells. The growth, division and proliferation of these cells are controlled by genes in the cells.

Mutations in these genes cause cells to proliferate, disrupting the functions of the organs involved in that cell community. Any part of the body where this rapid growth occurs is cancer. These cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body. About 80 percent of cancer can be prevented by making some changes in our lifestyle.

Unhealthy diet, obesity, lack of exercise, tobacco, and certain types of viral infections all contribute to the development of cancer. Exercising on a daily basis helps to eliminate the accumulated fat in the body. Set aside at least half an hour for exercise every day. Include fruits and vegetables of various colors in your diet to provide nutrients to the body.

Eating a diet rich in fiber improves the digestive system and prevents cancer. In order for the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat to be clean, the environment must be unpolluted. Excessive weight gain is also a leading cause of cancer. A healthy diet and regular exercise help maintain a healthy body weight. Watch the video for more information.
