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Obesity is a health problem faced by people of all ages. Both children and adults suffer from this health problem. Many people think that obesity is caused by overeating, but it can be caused by many other reasons. Obesity is also seen in children, and if one of the parents has this health problem, the children are also more likely to be obese.

Leptin is a hormone that tells the body to eat less when fat levels are high. When these are not available enough, balance is lost and obesity is the cause. Improper diet is also one of the main reasons for this. Eating processed foods causes digestive problems and leads to obesity. Foods high in saturated fat, even starches, are easily broken down into glucose.

It also mixes with the blood. This causes more insulin to be produced. It leads to weight gain. Along with diet, exercise is also important. Consuming too much through food but not engaging in physical activity leads to fat accumulation and obesity.

This problem can occur when working in one place for a long time. At least some time should be spent in daily life for exercise. Along with this, it is very important to avoid stress. A healthy diet and exercise can help prevent obesity to some extent.

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