Are these what you dream of? The secret behind it…

We all dream when we sleep. But each type of dream we see has some meaning. Seeing some dreams can lead to good qualities in life while other dreams are also considered to be a sign of bad experiences coming our way. We see all kinds of things and people in our dreams but most … Read more

Causes of conjunctivitis in children, here are some remedies…

There are many causes of conjunctivitis in children. The doctor talks about it in detail in this video. Konkann can come even if there is no vision, and even if Konkann is present, vision can be lost. If a child with conjunctivitis is not treated properly, it can lead to vision loss later on. Therefore, … Read more

If you have this symptom, beware, diabetes is just around the corner…

Diabetes is a major health problem faced by a large percentage of people today. This disease often comes into your life without even you expecting it. Diabetes is a disease of high blood glucose levels. When the body produces little or no insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar, there is concern about blood glucose, … Read more
