This mistake you make every day will make you sick for the rest of your life…

In today’s era, the number of diseases is increasing day by day. The main reason for this is the irregularities in the lifestyle. Unhealthy eating habits, untimely eating, overeating, smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of exercise, irregular sleep, mental stress etc. all lead to health problems. Irregular and disordered life causes various diseases. When symptoms are … Read more

What happens after death, truths that many people don’t know…

Humans fear death the most. Everyone knows that once you are born you will die. Whether rich or poor, king or pauper, everyone has to face death one day. Modern studies have been able to understand some things about death and what happens after death. The doctor talks about it in detail in this video. … Read more

If you have pimples, this could be the reason….

Acne is a common skin disease. It is mainly seen in teenage and middle-aged women and sometimes even in old age. In the past, acne was a problem only for young people. Androgen plays a major role in acne breakouts. The ups and downs of this hormone can occur at any stage of your life. … Read more

These skin changes are not trivial, and your liver is damaged…

Liver is one of the internal organs that perform many complex functions in the human body. Maintaining liver health is essential to a person’s overall health. Diet and lifestyle play a huge role in liver health. The liver is an organ located on the right side of the body above the abdomen. The liver performs … Read more
