Parents who give mobile phones to their children should definitely know this…

All parents want their children to grow up smart. But many carelessness on the part of parents affects the future of children. They are often made out to be mentally retarded. Studies point to the news that virtual attention is also increasing among children in today’s era. Virtual autism is a physiological and psychological condition caused by excessive screen time in children.

Excessive use of gadgets like mobile phone, laptop and tab can cause this condition. Health problems caused by the use of mobile phones in children need to be discussed. These problems develop so quickly that it harms their future life. Every parent needs to take special care to avoid this kind of situation.

Often the parents hand over their mobile phones to their children without realizing the depth of the mistake they are making. Many parents promise that if they want to eat, sleep or obey, they can give them the phone to watch cartoons. This means that children who learn to use the phone.

before they can even open their eyes and ears do not complete the milestones they are supposed to complete on time. Soft skills that should be developed in children are missing, speech is delayed and social skills are missing. Many other problems can arise due to this. Watch the video to understand more about it.

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