These mistakes you make in the kitchen can even cause cancer.

The kitchen of a house determines the health of the people in that house. Many mistakes made in the kitchen lead to health problems. Therefore, the women of that house can mold a healthy family. There are various types of spices, utensils, oils and vegetables that we use in the kitchen.

If you can pay attention to some things in all of them, you can prevent diseases to some extent. But most of the people have problems because they don’t know some things. We use different types of cookware like aluminum, steel, iron, nonstick cookware, ceramic, glass and plastic. Knowing how to use which of these vessels is very important.

Under no circumstances should salt be stored in low quality aluminum steel containers. Salt is a chemical compound and chemical reaction occurs when it is kept in metal containers, so it should not be stored for a long time. Then when we consume the signature with each meal it gets into our body.

Therefore, glass or earthen pots are best for storing salt. Most people today cook with nonstick pans. But it loses its non-stick coating after being used a few times and its subsequent use becomes harmful to health. Under no circumstances should the pot be used if the coating has gone off. Listen to the doctor to know more.
