This mistake you make every day will make you sick for the rest of your life…

In today’s era, the number of diseases is increasing day by day. The main reason for this is the irregularities in the lifestyle. Unhealthy eating habits, untimely eating, overeating, smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of exercise, irregular sleep, mental stress etc. all lead to health problems. Irregular and disordered life causes various diseases.

When symptoms are ignored and preventive measures are not taken, the number of patients is increasing day by day. Blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol etc. are some of the lifestyle diseases that are widely seen among Malayalis. Apart from this there are many problems like arthritis, piles and insomnia.

Lifestyle doesn’t just mean diet. A healthy, nutritious diet is very important. Apart from that, proper exercise is also essential for health. Nowadays most people choose food based on its taste, smell, color and nutritional value. But unhealthy eating habits, obesity, lack of exercise and overeating can all lead to an increase in lifestyle diseases.

Diabetes is another health problem caused by lifestyle disorders. This health problem was mostly seen in the elderly but today it is also seen in the young. Controlling diabetes is controlling all lifestyle diseases. Diabetes is a pathway to many serious diseases like heart disease and kidney disease. Watch the video to understand this in detail.
